Thriving After 60

Have fun and get active as part of our healthy community

The Thriving After 60 (TA60) community is dedicated to keeping its members mentally and physically healthy—and having a good time in the process. You’ll have the opportunity to meet like-minded friends at our interesting events and workshops, which focus on supporting the changing health and wellness needs of those over 60. One day you could be learning about stress relief or life care planning. The next, you are out for an afternoon of dancing or a chair yoga session. Our activities are designed to help you maintain your health and energy, and stay connected with the community well into retirement.

Enjoy all the benefits of an active lifestyle

TA60 events and workshops are about much more than your physical health. Many focus on your mental well-being, and keep you informed on important topics. Others may engage you emotionally, whether it’s doing something you enjoy or just being in the company of friends.

Workshops and events

10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s

Recognize common warning signs of Alzheimer’s and learn what symptoms to look for in yourself and others.

10 Señales de Advertencia del Alzheimer (en español)

Aprenda a reconocer las señales de advertencia más comunes del Alzheimer y conozca cuáles son los síntomas a los que debe prestar atención en sí mismo y en los demás.

Balance Exercises

This class helps participants stay mobile, strong, and steady on their feet. Balancing both sides and various parts of the body increases resilience and independence, which can boost confidence. Exercises focus on mindful walking, stretching, strengthening core, and mental agility. Mind and body balance can also improve overall well-being and prevent or minimize falls


You’ll learn about why brain health is important, how to obtain higher levels of brain wellness during times of decreased activity, and what you can do to help unlock the power of brain plasticity.

Chair Dance with Prisna Anderson

Get fit and get your heart pumped, all while sitting in a chair. Mambo, Cha Cha, Monkey, Jerk, and even a little bit of tap dancing will leave you feeling energized. Movements focus on working your core and improving flexibility and coordination. No equipment is necessary, but please feel free to use 3-5 pound free weights and/or fitness bands during the strength training sections for added resistance.

Chair Pilates with Prisna Anderson

Gentle, modifiable exercises that will increase strength, flexibility, endurance, and heighten body awareness to help prevent falls. Chair Pilates will improve mobility and lessen the effects of debilitating medical conditions. Great for those who must exercise seated. No equipment is necessary, but please feel free to have a Pilates ring, strap, fitness band, belt, or towel on hand.

Chair Yoga

If you’re new to yoga, or want to learn some easy moves that can help you stay active at home, join Kaiser Permanente for a light chair yoga class. We’ll show how you can use a basic chair to do some yoga poses and stretches and give you an introduction to yoga.

Classic Dance Cardio: Low Impact with Prisna Anderson

This dance-based, low-impact to moderate-intensity cardio class will challenge your coordination and flexibility, while boosting your morning mood. Strength training either standing or seated. No equipment is necessary, but please feel free to use 2-5 lb free weights or resistance bands for the strength training section. Perfect for those who want more intensity than Chair Dance, but not quite as high energy as Dance Cardio.

Dance Cardio with Prisna Anderson

Dance-based cardio class for all levels, plus strength training, with final stretching. Simple steps, low impact, high energy, and intense fun. Groove to the rhythms of pop, Latin, reggae, Bollywood, and disco. No equipment is necessary, but please feel free to use 3- to 5-pound pound free weights and/or fitness bands during the strength training sections for added resistance.

Dementia Conversations: Driving, Doctor Visits & Legal

Learn to have honest and caring conversations about common concerns when someone begins to show signs of dementia.

Effective Communication Strategies

Communication is more than just talking and listening, it is also about sending and receiving messages through attitude, tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language. This workshop explores how communication takes place when someone has Alzheimer’s. Learn to decode the verbal and behavioral messages delivered by someone with dementia and identify strategies to help connect and communicate at each stage of the disease.

Financial and Legal Planning

Learn about important legal issues to consider, how to put plans in place, and how to access legal resources near you.

Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body

Learn lifestyle habits to maintain and improve your health, keep your brain well, and possibly delay the onset of cognitive decline.

Healthy Sleep

Join us to talk about techniques to help you fall asleep, how to avoid things that might keep you awake, and other ways that you can improve the quality of your sleep.

Heart Health after 60

This heart health course will teach members how to best take care of their heart, blood pressure, and cholesterol so that they can continue to do the things they enjoy. Members will get specific tools from our Health Education team to help them do just that.

Life Care Planning

If you want to build an advance directive and document your wished for medical care but aren’t sure where to start, join us for this class to talk about life care planning.

Medicare 101

If you’re turning 65 soon, but aren’t sure where to start, join this class to learn about the A, B, C and D of Medicare.

Mental Health in Retirement

Join KP as we identify and discuss potential impacts to mental health and emotional stability when in retirement.


Join Kaiser Permanente as we learn about mindfulness and stress relief! This class will help you learn different techniques of mindfulness, including mindful meditation, and understand how you can incorporate this into your daily life.

Money Matters: A Caregiver's Guide to Finance

Join us to learn tips for managing someone else’s finances, how to prepare for future care costs, and the benefits of early planning.

Nutrition After 60

Join this class to learn how nutrition can play an important role in your health. We’ll talk about portion size, the servings you need, and how nutrition needs can change or adapt as you age.

Tai Chi-Qigong

Tai Chi-Qigong is simplified Tai Chi that teaches participants the way of optimal health and harmony and is considered the perfect exercise for seniors. It’s slow, graceful movements are easy to follow, and practice only requires an arms length space. Tai Chi-Qigong can help increase flexibility, balance, focus, and peace of mind.

Tap into Stress Relief

This class will teach you a new technique to handle stress. Like acupuncture but without needles, tapping can help you focus on a problem and harness your body’s energy to alleviate your pain.

Tips for Healthy Aging

Explore ways that you can keep yourself in good health as you age. We’ll discuss common health problems and lifestyle habits that will keep you healthy longer.

TRICARE for Life and Medicare Advantage

Learn about TRICARE for Life and Medicare Advantage, how TRICARE for Life works with Medicare Advantage, the difference between a primary and secondary payor, and about Medicare Advantage supplemental benefits.

Understanding Alzheimer's and Dementia

Learn basic information on the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia along with stages, risk factors, research, and FDA-approved treatments.

Comprenda el Alzheimer y la demencia (en español)

Obtenga información básica sobre la diferencia entre el Alzheimer y la demencia, las fases, los factores de riesgo, la investigación y los tratamientos aprobados por la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (Food and Drug Administration, FDA).

Understanding and Responding to Dementia-Related Behavior

Join this class to learn some of the common triggers for behaviors associated with dementia, how to assess the person’s needs, and how to intervene effectively.

Virtual Dance Party

Thriving After 60 members: Get ready to have some fun and show off your favorite dance moves. Kaiser Permanente is hosting a virtual dance party in your honor.

Women's Health After 60

Join us to discuss Women’s Health after 60. Some topics to be discussed will be, tips for healthy aging, sex after 60, practicing self care, and much more.

Yoga for Arthritis

Join certified yoga therapist Dr. Steffany Moonaz for a 1-hour yoga class based on 15 years of research showing improved arthritis symptoms. This class will include movement to reduce joint stiffness, poses to build strength and flexibility, breathing practices to help manage stress and pain, and mindfulness practices to build resilience and peace of mind. You will need a sturdy chair and the ability to stand without assistance. The class will combine some standing and some chair poses. Dr. Moonaz will explain the science behind these practices and things you can do at home to keep up the benefits of yoga in your daily life.


Kaiser Permanente hosts two types of large, all-day events for its TA60 members:


These “conference style” events begin in the morning and focus on topics such as life care planning, stress relief, and technology basics. After the early information session, a dance or social event is held in the afternoon to end the day on a fun note.


Our wellness events start with a morning session focusing on teaching members different methods for building and maintaining their physical well-being. The afternoon component includes a social event or dance. ​

Thriving After 60 on Facebook

Connect with our 7,000+ members on the Kaiser Permanente Thriving After 60 Facebook community for healthy tips, fun conversations, and the latest schedule of events.

Concerned about affording coverage? We may be able to help.

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Haga una cita personal

Conéctese con un especialista en Medicare de Kaiser Permanente de su región a una hora que le sea conveniente. Tan solo complete el formulario (haga clic o toque aquí para abrirlo)​​ y nos comunicaremos con usted para hacerle una cita.

Asista a un seminario (en inglés)

Busque un seminario​ en su área para obtener más información sobre los planes de salud de Medicare de Kaiser Permanente.

Llame para aprender más

Llame al​ 1-855-256-7968 (TTY 711) para hablar con un especialista en Medicare de Kaiser Permanente, los 7 días de la semana, de 8 a. m. a 8 p. m.​ ​ El especialista le explicará sus opciones por teléfono.

Inscríbase en línea

Inscribirse en nuestros planes de salud Medicare Advantage en línea es sencillo. Haga clic o toque aquí para ir al sitio de inscripción, (en inglés). Una vez ahí, responda unas pocas preguntas y habrá finalizado el proceso.

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Al completar este formulario, acepta que un representante de ventas de Kaiser Permanente se comunique con usted para hablar sobre las opciones del plan Kaiser Permanente Medicare Advantage (HMO y HMO-POS) para 2025. Acepta que un representante de ventas se comunique con usted incluso si su número de teléfono o dirección de correo electrónico aparece en nuestra Lista de Personas que no desean que las contactemos.

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Después de hacer clic en “Continuar”, seleccione el botón “Inscribirme ahora” ubicado en “Inscribirme en línea en un plan individual” y, a continuación, elija el estado donde vive.

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